
College Room Shopping List!


Here is my very own college room shopping list for all the dorm/room essentials! Fall semester is right around the corner for old and new college students, bringing with it all kinds of anticipation. Whether a new student entering into your first year on-campus or not, continue reading for your very own checklist. This is the ultimate college dorm room shopping list of essentials! 

This is kinda-sorta a big deal…

Shopping for your dorm is a serious and important process! I mean you’ll only be living in this space for your entire first year of college (or more), no big deal. This post is made to be a reference and shopping tool for anything you might need! There were plenty of items I had forgotten or didn’t even realize I would need. I hope this list helps some of you out with your shopping! 

‖ Bedding

** Be sure to check what size your bed is! My bed was a Twin XL, however, some may be regular twin sizes!**
** I purchased the primary chunk of my bedding from Dormify. It’s a low cost and great quality to use for a year! However, Amazon has quality competition!!**

‖ Living Area

** Depends on what furniture your Residence Hall provides! Most include a desk w/chair, dresser, bed frame, and some kind of shelving.**

‖ Closet

‖ Bathroom

What is homier than a cushy shower mat or a beautifully decorated sink? I’ve linked some of my favorite Amazon finds for bathroom necessities!

‖ Kitchen

‖ Desk

‖ Housekeeping & Extras

That’s all I’ve got for now, but this list may be updated periodically! For a brief look into what my dorm experience was like, head over to my FAQ’s about Aggie Dorm Life! Sign up for my newsletter here, and get emails when I update content!! Check out my registration tips for Aggies here!