College Station, life

Insider: Southern Aztec Co.

Lauren Kay’s Journal made a new friend, Southern Aztec Co.!

Something on my heart this year has been being more inclusive with the Aggie network! This includes Aggie businesses in any shape, size or form! Prior to all the new changes we’ve experienced, I reached out to a sweet incoming TAMU freshman and asked if I could write about her small business, Southern Aztec Co.! This post has perfect timing for supporting small businesses through the struggle they are currently facing due to COVID-19.


Southern Aztec Co., formerly known as Southern Scents N’ Sips, currently has a growing number of products but started with car fresheners whom she sweetly coined as “freshies”.

“Southern Scents N’ Sips [Southern Aztec Co.] is an online-based company that creates products so you can express who you are.”

Cassidi DeArmond| 17 January 2020

Humble Beginnings…

I asked Ms. Cassidi DeArmond for a brief summary of how her little business got started… and it could not get any sweeter.

“It all started in my momma’s kitchen. Growing up, my mom has always owned a boutique and when we moved to Three Rivers, Texas she was too far from the lady who made her scents. So she convinced me to do it. I started off with leftover beads, molds, and scents from someone else, but after getting started we invested more into my new business and have expanded to working with schools for fundraisers and wholesaling to other businesses.”

Cassidi DeArmond | 17 January 2020

What is Southern Aztec Co. doing today?

“Currently [Southern Aztec Co.] is online-based and travels to a few shows such as Goliad Market Days, livestock shows, and supplies businesses. We are continuing to grow over social media platforms including Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook as our business continues to expand. “

Cassidi DeArmond| 17 January 2020


Southern Aztec Co. has genorously given me 12 “freshies” to share with y’all! She sent me a special “freshie” for every month of the year!

I designed a “freshie” catalog to highlight all of Southern Aztec Co.’s shapes and scents! This catalog was designed in order to grasp an idea of the ability to completely customize YOUR freshie! After all, Southern Aztec Co. aims and operates so that YOU can express your inner beauty!

Click here to head on over to her website!